
Docker Management Tips

This section includes some helpful Docker commands to run in the Terminal for managing Docker containers and images. More detailed information can be found in the Docker Docs.

Getting a list of containers

# Show running containers
docker ps

# Show stopped containers
docker ps --filter "status=exited"

Stopping a running container

docker stop <name_of_container>

Start a stopped container

docker start <name_of_container>

Removing stopped container(s)

# Remove all stopped containers
docker ps -aq --no-trunc | xargs docker rm

# Remove a specific container
docker rm <name_of_container>

Getting a list of Docker images

docker images

Removing/Deleting a Docker image

docker rmi <name_of_image>

# Remove all <none> images
docker image prune -f

Viewing Docker container logs (container does not have to be running)

docker logs <name_of_container>

FactoryTX Virtual Machine (VM)

As mentioned in the Quickstart guide, FactoryTX can be run in a virtual machine. Typically, we provide virtual machine images to be used with a hypervisor, or virtual machine monitor (VMM), such as VMWare ESX/ESXi and Microsoft Hyper-V. A hypervisor is a process that creates and runs virtual machines (VMs). One host computer can support multiple guest VMs by sharing its resources (e.g. memory and processing).

For more technical details about the FactoryTX VM, please refer to the Creating a FactoryTX VM, Running FactoryTX VM in ESXi and Testing FactoryTX VM articles.