advanced Transform

The advanced transform calls arbitrary pandas methods on the input DataFrame. The result is the DataFrame produced by the final method call.


If we want to drop all rows that are blank and convert a mass from metric to imperial units, our configuration will look something like this:

    "transform_name": "Arbitrary Transform",
    "transform_type": "advanced",
    "filter_stream": ["*"],
    "actions": [
        {"dropna": {"axis": 0, "how": "all"}},
        {"eval": {"expr": "slugs = kilograms / 14.59"}},
        {"drop": {"labels": ["kilograms"], "axis": 1}}


Required and optional properties that can be configured for an advanced transform.

  • actions: A list of Pandas functions to apply to the data

  • transform_name: Unique name for the transform.

  • transform_type: Type of transform to apply. Should be advanced.

  • filter_stream: List of data streams to transform. Each stream can either be * (all) or asset:stream.

  • This transform may not be backwards-compatible across different versions of FactoryTX. New versions of Pandas may rename methods and parameters, breaking the existing configuration.

  • If necessary the original DataFrame can be accessed by ‘eval’ actions such as @input_frame. Similarly, the latest DataFrame can be accessed as @frame.