Running FactoryTX VM in ESXi

One of the many ways to run the FactoryTX VM is with an ESXi hypervisor. Let’s walk through the steps on how to configure and run the FactoryTX VM. It should be noted that we are using VMWare ESXi v6.7.0 in our test lab and that the screenshots in the article are using the web client.

Upload FactoryTX VM files to Datastore

With our FactoryTX VM files (e.g. factorytx-os.vmdk and factorytx-data.vmdk files) stored on our local device, connect and log in to the ESXi server. From the sidebar, navigate to the datastore.

Datastore menu in the VMWare web client

Open the Datstore browser and upload the FactoryTX VM files.

Datastore browser with the uploaded VMDK files displayed

Create a new VM

From the sidebar, navigate to the Virtual Machines menu and select the Create / Register VM button.

Virtual Machines in the VMWare web client

In the New virtual machine window, select the option to create a new virtual machine.

Window to select creation type for new virtual machine

When prompted to select a name and guest OS for the virtual machine, select Linux for the OS family and Other Linux (64-bit) for the OS version.

Window to select OS family and version for new virtual machine

When customizing other VM settings, remove the pre-defined hard disk. Select Add hard disk, choose the option for an Existing hard disk, and select one of the FactoryTX VMDK files (e.g. factorytx-os.vmdk). Repeat this step, so that both FactoryTX VMDK files are set as the hard disks for the VM.

Dropdown menu to add a disk to a virtual machine

Open up the submenu for the OS hard disk and choose IDE controller 1 and Master.

Settings for the OS disk

For the FactoryTX data hard disk, choose IDE controller 1 and Slave.

Settings for the FactoryTX data disk

For the Network Adapter, select E1000e or E1000 as the Adapter Type.

Network settings for the new VM

In summary, the hardware settings for the FactoryTX VM should be similar to:

Screenshot of hardware settings for the FactoryTX VM

Deploy code to VM

After powering on the FactoryTX VM, use a web browser and navigate to the Balena dashboard and check the application for a new device to appear.

Balena dashboard with devices configured

To deploy FactoryTX code to the VM, open a Terminal window on your local machine: navigate to the desired FactoryTX directory; add the remote repository for the Balena application; and push code to the remote.

# If you want to deploy a factorytx-core instance
cd /opt/sightmachine/factorytx-core

# If you want to deploy a factorytx-<customer> instance
# Remember to replace "<customer>" with the customer name
cd /opt/sightmachine/factorytx-<customer>

# Command can be found in the application view of the Balena dashboard
git remote add balena

git push balena master