GE Proficy Historian Receiver

The ge_historian data receiver connects to and reads data from GE Proficy Historian APIs server.


If we want to retrieve (raw) data from an GE Proficy Historian server at, our configuration will look something like this:

  "connections": [
      "connection_name": "some_connection_name",
      "host": "",
      "timeout": 60,
      "start_datetime": "2018-08-01T00:00:00Z",
      "username": "some_username",
      "password": "some_password",
      "client_id": "some_client_id",
      "client_secret": "some_client_secret"
  "data_receiver_name": "some_receiver_name_here",
  "poll_interval": 10,
  "protocol": "ge_historian",
  "streams": [
      "asset": "BL4",
      "tags": [
      "stream_type": "ABC-123-TAG_1"

If we want to retrieve (interpolated) data from an GE Proficy Historian server at, the connection configuration will look something like this:

  "connections": [
      "connection_name": "some_connection_name",
      "host": "",
      "timeout": 60,
      "start_datetime": "2018-08-01T00:00:00Z",
      "interval_ms": 5000,
      "read_data_mode": "interpolated",
      "relative_duration": "15s",
      "username": "some_username",
      "password": "some_password",
      "client_id": "some_client_id",
      "client_secret": "some_client_secret"


Required and optional properties that can be configured for the ge_historian receiver:

  • data_receiver_name: Unique name of the data receiver. This name will be used to track the progress state of the data stream.

  • protocol: Protocol to be used. Should be set to ge_historian.

  • connections: How to connect to the GE Historian API Server. A GE Historian API Server connection has the following configurable settings:

    Required and optional properties that can be configured for the ge_historian connection:

    • host: Hostname or IP address of the database server with port if applicable. E.g

    • connection_name: Unique name for the connection.

    • username: Username used along with a password to access the GE Historian API server.

    • password: Password used along with a username to access the GE Historian API server.

    • client_id: client_id used along with a client_secret to access the GE Historian API server.

    • client_secret: client_secret used along with a client_id to access the GE Historian API server.

    • relative_duration: (Required for getting interpolated data, not used for raw data). This will decide the end_datetime. Receiver will fetch data from start_datetime till end_datetime in single call. E.g. If start_datetime is 2018-08-01T00:00:00Z and relative_duration is ‘2h’, the api will fetch data from 2018-08-01T00:00:00Z to 2018-08-01T02:00:00Z.

      relative_duration supports the following units:
      • s = second(s)

      • m = minute(s)

      • h = hour(s)

      • d = day(s)

    • interval_ms: Interval defines the time difference between two subsequent data points in milliseconds. (Required for getting interpolated data, not used for raw data).

    • read_data_mode: Sets the type of data that should be retrieved, ‘raw’ and ‘interpolated’ are the only supported modes. (Defaults to raw data mode, the benefit of this over interpolated is that it will only return actual recorded data points, generally resulting in a smaller response payload. The downside is not being able to specify your own data interval).

    • max_count: Maximum number of data points that can be requested in a single call. Default is 5000.

    • timeout: Maximum number of seconds to wait for a response from a GE Historian API server. Default is 180.

    • start_datetime: Datetime in iso-format E.g. 2018-08-01T00:00:00Z. Receiver will start fetching data from this date. Default is earliest datetime possible.

  • streams: List of ge_historian data streams. Each input stream has the following configurable settings:

    • asset: Asset identifier.

    • stream_type: Type of data stream

    • tags: List of the tag names to fetch.

  • poll_interval: The number of seconds to wait between attempts to fetch new data from the GE Historian API Server.