Enact Data Receiver

The enact data receiver connects to the Enact API for InfinityQS reads quality data available.

  "data_receiver": [
      "data_receiver_name": "enact_receiver0",
      "protocol": "enact",

      "connections": [{
           "refresh_token": "...",
           "client_id": "...",
           "client_secret": "...",
           "subscription_key": "...",

      "streams": []

Acquiring a refresh key is a crucial step in setting up the Enact REST API Receiver; annoyingly the provider is currently using a browser-redirect heavy workflow. In practice, that means you almost certainly want to use postman to fetch a refresh token: https://www.postman.com/downloads/

You can use the ‘get new authorization token’ button in the ‘Authorization’ header to get a new refresh token. This process needs to be done every 30 days when the existing refresh token expires.
