checksum_record Transform

The checksum_record transform creates a checksum based on values in a record and saves it in the factorytx_checksum column. This field will be saved outside of the data.fieldvalues of a record and moved outside of a record’s data structure upon being received by a MA service environment. It is recommended to place this transform last in the list, so that the record has all of its data as well as an explicit timestamp column.


If we want to create a checksum from the asset and timestamp columns of a record, our configuration will look something like this:

    "transform_name": "Checksum",
    "transform_type": "checksum_record",
    "filter_stream": ["*"],
    "record_keys": ["asset", "timestamp"]


Required and optional properties that can be configured for a hash_record transform.

  • transform_name: Unique name for the transform.

  • transform_type: Type of transform to apply. Should be checksum_record.

  • filter_stream: List of data streams to transform. Each stream can either be * (all) or asset:stream.

  • record_keys: List of keys in a record for generating a checksum of the record. Supported keys are: asset, stream_type, timestamp, and fieldvalues (values in a record). Please refer to Caveats section for more implementation details.


  • record_keys order: The order of the specified keys in the record_keys config setting will affect the checksum. For example, checksums from [‘asset’, ‘stream_type’] will not equal checksums from [‘stream_type’, ‘asset’].

  • timestamp hash: The value in the timestamp column will be converted into a string for hashing. The data type of the value will affect the hash value. For example, a datetime object (datetime(2019, 9, 30, 12, 12, 12)) will not yield the same hash as its equivalents in ISO-8061 string format ('2019-09-30T12:12:12') and epoch time format (1569845532.0). If there is no timestamp value or if it is NaT, the timestamp will not be included in the checksum.

  • fieldvalues hash: Values in a record will be sorted in alphanumerical order by their keys and then serialized into a JSON string, using this conversion table.